Soulful & Sober Group Program

Soulful & Sober Group Program

It is a 6-week program to:

Make alcohol insignificant and your dreams bigger!

Does this sound familiar?

  • You’re judging yourself for actions taken when drinking, frustrated you aren’t productive and wasted a day

  • You wake up at 3 am filled with anxiety and realize your lack of sleep is impacting you

  • Your emotions go up and then down. You sense you need more in your life

  • You seem to have most of your life put together, but you don’t seem to understand why moderating alcohol is so hard.

  • You know you feel the best when you take care of yourself; you want to have weekends feel good, and you have a deep knowing that alcohol is making your life worse

  • But you go into Friday and the weekend, finding yourself drinking again, regret creeps in, and you’re confused about why you can’t control your drinking

  • You try to do everything perfectly and feel very let down when you can’t reach your goals

Are you ready to make alcohol small and begin to focus on who you’re meant to become without alcohol? Are you ready to have the energy and time to find more purpose and meaning? Do you know the thoughts about removing alcohol are your intuition nudging you to listen?


Waking up feeling rested and amazing excited for the day

Working out and being consistent with your routine

Your skin is glowing, you feel great, and look great

You’re trusting yourself and having more confidence

Your relationships are improving, and you’re productive in your life and at work

You’re getting clarity in your life and you’re finding more peace in your life

You’re finding more purpose and beginning to understand yourself better. You’re in control of your emotions, motivated, excited, and trusting your intuition. You start to learn why you’re meant to go alcohol-free. You’re finding out who you’re meant to be without alcohol and how powerful you are. You feel healthy and full of life. You have better boundaries and are attending to your needs.

You are ready!

Soulful & Sober makes all that possible.

How it Works:

The Soulful & Sober Program is an online coaching program.

Option to schedule a 1:1 conversation with Chrissy to understand your goals and bigger vision. We begin by dreaming big and developing actionable steps to achieve the outcomes you want to achieve.

We meet LIVE on Zoom for 60 minutes every Monday at 8pm est where you will get coaching for me and support from each other. This is a safe space to talk about your challenges and successes. We do thrive better together.

Access to our online community for support and accountability. Our community is on Telegram, and I check in daily.

Extensive bonus materials and a course to support you along the way. The course will be added to and you’ll have membership for life!

Research shows that working together amplifies transformation. In addition, being with people who have achieved what you want makes you more successful at accomplishing your goals.

I’m Chrissy and I'm a certified Alcohol-Free, Mindset, Success, Spirituality and NLP Coach. Throughout my career as a social worker, spanning more than 16 years, I have supported individuals in therapy dealing with substance use, grief, mental health issues, and PTSD. I'm an author and published two children's books after I got sober. I look forward to working with you and helping you with your transformation. 

I was a binge and social drinker. I drank many weekends. I drank a lot of wine, and a lot of my identity was wrapped up in my wine drinking. Most people were surprised I stopped drinking. I was married with a son, living on water, had a good job, and worked out.

Yet I kept thinking about not drinking. I felt I had to be worse despite alcohol was making things worse. It was making me say and do things I regretted. What I did know was alcohol was making me someone I didn’t like when I drank. I would get emotional, waste hours, and seem like I was starting all over on Monday with working out. I felt inflamed and knew I couldn’t live like this.

What I didn’t know was…

Alcohol blocked a lot. I was not going after what I truly wanted in life. I was neglecting my needs. I was people-pleasing. I was concerned about what everyone thought (this included if I went alcohol-free). I wasn’t fulfilled in my life, which made alcohol exciting, something to look forward to, and made me not understand my emotional state. It wasn’t that I was miserable, but I was on autopilot.

Even when I decided to remain alcohol-free, I felt I was missing out and wondered if not drinking was worth it. I had to make my life more exciting and alcohol insignificant. I rewired my brain. I now believe if I ever drink again, I’ll never get what I want.

What had to change…

I had to get support. This was crucial in my success and pushed me to go outside my comfort zone. I began to understand that other women were on this journey with me. This made me feel less alone and connected with like-minded women.

I began thinking about purpose and realized I wasn’t manifesting what I deeply desired. I now believe the thoughts about removing alcohol were my intuition. I started to learn about spirituality and now see the pain in my journey as what I needed to know to help others. Since I stopped drinking, I’ve written three children’s books and published two. I started a podcast, Soulful and Sober, and a coaching business.

Through all this, I realized that I had limiting beliefs and feelings of low self-worth that prevented me from expanding. I can better manage these emotions and have gotten to know myself deeply.

I believe you’re here for a reason

Are you ready to make alcohol small

and your future dreams bigger?

Payment - $297.79 or two payments of $152.79

  • HUGE value

  • 1 in-depth group zoom per week: a total of 6 zooms

    • No sessions on holidays, the group will just be one week longer

  • Self-paced sober, mindset, purpose, and spirituality course

    • This course is for you to keep, and content will continue to be added ($1000 value)

  • Daily group support via Telegram

  • Sisterhood of support on your journey

  • Bonus: Journal bundle: gratitude, monthly focus, visualization, & manifestation journals

What clients have to say:

“ I can’t even begin to tell you how much that call helped me! Sometimes it is a difficult road without people who are taking the same journey as I am being around me. Connecting with you has given me the strength to continue this and also, I’m excited for the things to come!” - Tiffany

“Chrissy is an amazing soul to turn to and seek guidance when you are feeling "off." For a while now, I have felt like there was a ton of stuff just sitting on me and no matter what I did, the stuff would not go away. In just one session, I was able to let that stuff go and learn that my circumstances now are okay, even though they were not my plan. She made me feel comfortable to open up, listen, and share ideas to continue forward. I felt like the stuff I was letting hold me down was gone. You won't go wrong and will feel relief when Chrissy helps!” - Michelle

“I am so happy I found Chrissy. She gave me the strength and reassurance to keep along my journey through early months of sobriety. I learned so much about the truth about alcohol and changing my mindset around it which I think is huge for quitting long term. Connecting with her in our safe zone every week was exactly what I needed to feel inspired while working on my future self. Thank you Chrissy!” - Lauren

Was extremely supportive and most importantly believed in me. Used logic and manifestation to help me stop drinking. Celebrated wins with me. Setbacks were analyzed together as a team!” - Kelly

“Your resources are REALLY great!”- Lisa

If you’re not certain that this is a good fit for you, book a free 30-minute discovery call. We can discuss your goals and needs in depth.

Join the Soulful & Sober Group Program Today