We Are Not Alone In ANYTHING - The Empowered Wisdom Show

I recently had the pleasure to be a guest speaker on the Empowered Wisdom Show hosted by Molly McCartney. The podcast was a fantastic opportunity to share my insights and experiences about breaking free from societal norms, embracing intuition, and finding my path to success. Today, I'd like to take you on a journey through the key points of our conversation, where we explored the power of intuition, overcoming challenges, and the beautiful transformation that happens when we align with our higher calling.

Listen to the full podcast episode here:

Breaking free from overwhelm

During our chat, we delved into the challenges that can weigh us down and hold us back from following our higher calling. You know, those moments when we feel alone, overwhelmed, and the pressure to succeed is just too much to handle. Sometimes, we find ourselves using habits like alcohol, food, or shopping to escape the chaos. But guess what? I'm here to tell you that we can break free from all that!

Making a positive change in your life

As an alcohol-free and mindset coach, I encourage people to explore the power of taking breaks from alcohol and breaking free from limiting beliefs and societal norms. You don't have to wait until you hit rock bottom to make a positive change in your life. Trust that intuitive thought that's nudging you to make a shift. It's okay not to know all the hows; just take that first step!

How community empowers your growth

Oh, and let's not forget the importance of community and support. It's like having your very own cheerleading squad! When you have people who get you, who understand your journey, and who share similar challenges, you feel empowered to stay committed to your goals and live life on your terms.

Join The Glow Vibes Tribe is a group of women who join together to support one another in their quest for an alcohol-free lifestyle, manifesting the lives they deserve, and building relationships.

My spiritual journey as a child

Now, let's rewind a bit and talk about my spiritual journey as a child. My mom was so awesome; she embraced all things spiritual, which allowed me to tap into my intuitive gifts from a young age. I remember vividly seeing a little girl standing by my bedside one night. It felt peaceful, almost like a comforting presence. I later connected this experience to my mom's miscarriage. Trust me, having that spiritual foundation made all the difference!

Letting go of expectations and embracing discomfort

Of course, it hasn't been all rainbows and unicorns. Even after embracing my intuition and quitting alcohol, I've faced challenges and doubts along the way. I used to think I had to do it all alone, but guess what? That's a myth, a big ol' myth! Asking for help and finding support has been a game-changer. And, you know what? Sometimes, it's okay to let go of those expectations and embrace discomfort. It's all part of the journey, my friends.

I love helping people find their deeper purpose. When I decided to go alcohol-free, change my habits, and create new routines, I had to work a lot on my mindset. This process helped me begin the journey to help others to unlock their full potential. I believe seeking support and building connections can provide the encouragement, guidance, and empathy needed to navigate and sustain personal change.

Book a free consultation with me

During the podcast, I was gifted with a tarot card reading. How cool is that? The cards revealed that I'm on the right path, listening to my inner wisdom, and setting intentions. But the real magic lies in being open to unexpected directions and letting spirit guide me. And you know what else? Getting rid of old identities and gaining confidence in my spiritual journey has been downright liberating!


Alcohol & Mental Health - Journey of a Fearless Female


Mocktail Magic: Crafting Refreshing and Alcohol-Free Beverages